Last week Aim and her animal saving minions (i.e. the kids) found this little guy laying on his side next to our pond covered in ants but still moving. Clearly not happy with his situation, the Blue Jay allowed them to scrape the ants off him and bring him into the house. Then the rehab began. Aim spent three days crushing up up his bird food, mixing it with water, sucking the mixture up into a syringe, prying open the bird's beak and dropping the mixture into his mouth. All the bird had to do was swallow. Now that is pathetic. The most I've ever gotten was breakfast in bed. After three days of rehab the bird's health was restored. Kappy and Aim took him outside and let him go. That bird was spoiled rotten.
I have since seen him hanging out in the trees around our house waiting for us to put food out. Great, another mouth to feed! I told him that we are the Robbins family, not the Blue Jay family and that we are not looking to adopt right now. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. You see, he is a momma's boy and Aim wasn't home when we had our conversation. Either that, or I've been speaking to a different Blue Jay. Boy, now that would be embarassing.

Kappy lets the Blue Jay go.
This is the Blue Jay's tail end (literally) as he immediately flew up into the tree.
Next, Caroline and Jacob were honored yesterday at Shiver Elementary. Caroline received the Super Student Award for Mrs. Cowling's class and Jacob was recognized for earning 109.7 Accelerated Reading Points. A tremendous accomplishment by Jacob considering he didn't even start his reading until February of this year. In three months he has read two or three Percy Jackson Lightning Thief Books, two Harry Potter Books and several other books. It is amazing what he can do when he puts his mind to it. It's getting him to put his mind to something that can drive you crazy. Sounds a lot like his dad.
This picture was taken just after the awards ceremony.
I got him that watch so he can time himself during his races.

Last but not least, here is a picture of what the Dancing Queen was doing while I was fishing. If I don't put a picture of her in this post she might have me banished from her kingdom or something. It's Kappy's world and everyone else is just here to make her look good.
Looks like y'all have a lot of fun down there. We might have to look extra hard down south for a job for Mark!
Great story about the Blue Jay and yes he does sounds spoiled. LOL Alex loves those Percy Jackson books too. Way to go Jacob.
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